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Cultural Night Market at Agincourt Mall

As the evening shadows lengthened over Agincourt Mall, the area lit up with colourful decorations, lights, music, dance, food and fun for the festive Canada Day Night Market. From June 29 to July 1, every evening brought forth a community celebration that went into the wee hours.

The 3-day extravaganza was kicked off on June 29 with opening speeches from MP for Scarborough Agincourt Jean Yip, Councillor Norm Kelly, Councillor Jim Karygiannis, and Property Manager of Agincourt Mall, Stephano Lee. Commemorative Certificates were presented to sponsors by Councillor Jim Karygiannis.

This was followed by colourful multicultural dance performances from 7-9 pm. Various dance troupes with performers of all ages from grade school to professional exhibited their arts to a wildly cheering audience.

Meanwhile, the food tents were doing a roaring business whetting the palates and appetites of patrons with a tantalizing variety of dishes from many multicultural food vendors, including Chinese, Taiwanese, Thai, and Mexican. 12 food vendors and 3 non-food vendors participated in the festival.

The enthusiastic participation of the local community in the celebrations demonstrated the vibrant nature of the area and underscored North American Development Group’s plan to create a mixed-use community here which would reflect the trends of living, shopping and working in an urban landscape.

NADG’s plan to reinvent and revitalize Agincourt Mall will transform the neighbourhood into a vibrant, sustainable, lively, mixed use community with retail, culture, leisure and multi-generational residential components.

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