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Feb. 16, 2018
News & Events

Community Consultation Meeting

On Tuesday February 20th, there will be a community consultation meeting taking place at Agincourt Mall. City Planning Staff and representatives from North American Development Group will be making presentations about our proposed redevelopment of the Agincourt Mall


6:00-7:00pm - Open House
7:00pm - City Staff and Applicant Presentations
Agincourt Mall – Unit 100 (at west end of mall)

We Hear You

As a relatively new and large landowner in the Agincourt community, we have hosted meetings and met with local residents and stakeholder groups in order to better understand our neighbours and become part of the community fabric.


As part of our outreach efforts, last year we met with Lee Soda, Executive Director of Agincourt Community Services Association (ACSA). It was an eye-opening experience to learn about the troubles so many people face right here in Agincourt and across Scarborough and the great work that ACSA does serving the most vulnerable in our community.


The list of services includes providing access to their food bank and directly feeding the homeless, helping newcomers get settled and training them to find entry-level employment, helping people with financial planning to better manage stressed household budgets, and offering a wide range of much-needed programs to people in Agincourt and beyond.


When we received their annual fundraising letter just before the Christmas Holidays – we passed it up to Head Office in Markham. 


This was their response: 

Feb. 9, 2018
News & Events

Hold the date for Tuesday February 20, 2018

Community Consultation Meeting

City of Toronto Planning staff responsible for leading the review of our application are planning to host a meeting with Councillor Norm Kelly on the evening of Tuesday, February 20th. The purpose of this meeting is to outline the process and planning context in which our application is reviewed and evaluated, and to give our team an opportunity to formally present the details of our application directly to the community. We will pass along more information about this meeting once the details are confirmed and made public.

Project Update

Outreach at the Mall

On three Saturdays in December 2017, members of the Redevelopment Team set up display panels in the mall describing our proposed plans to redevelop the Agincourt Mall property. We were very pleased by the level of interest shown by the estimated 1200-1400 people who stopped in to speak with us. We enjoyed this opportunity to chat about our proposal in an informal and relaxed setting and discuss the panels that described our application, answer questions and listen to the comments and concerns local residents have about this property and their community. Many thanks to all of you who stopped by to say hello and share your thoughts with us! You can see photos here:

You Said It - We Hear You

During our conversations with residents and other stakeholders in the community, we are generally encouraged by the positive feedback, constructive criticisms and genuine and understandable concerns that are prompted by our proposed plan. In general, most people fully recognize that the 26-acre property is in dire need of a major transformation and are quite serious about ensuring that we redevelop it in a way that improves the site, enhances the community and adds to its quality of life. 


We have heard everything from surprise that the new stores won’t be connected by a roof (“you realize we have winter here don’t you?”) to eager anticipation from others who already want to Register to buy a condominium or lease a store, long before that could be a possibility! We have heard questions about everything in between from sidewalk widths to affordable housing to the types of restaurants we hope to locate here.


We will provide answers and updates in this newsletter over the coming months and years to keep you informed while keeping us transparent and accountable for our plans – so keep an eye on this space to learn more about our project, your concerns and interests and how we respond to them to help us make this a great project for us and for you.

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